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Just the way Nerf ArenaBlast is!

Here you can find most all cheats, if I missed any e-mail me!

In case this is new to you, the "console" is an text based interface within the game and is used for a variety of functions. It is activated buy hitting the ~, or tilde key on the upper left-hand corner of the keyboard. If you do it during game play, watch out, because you will be vulnerable and unable to see while it is open! Just type these in at the console command prompt. (Hint: most of these can be bound to a key for quick access, I like to keep an eye on my framerate so I bind the timedemo to a key, for example.) Keep in mind, most of the "cheats" will not work online, for obvious reasons.

FLY: Fly around like Superman (instead of walking), type in WALK to return to normal (just dont do it at 30,000 feet!) Combine with BEHINDVIEW 1 (see below) and watch yourself "swim" through the air!

FOV <angle>: Set the field of view, for example "FOV 90" for 90 degrees is default, anything higher gives you a "fishbowl effect" allowing you to see more side to side. Also see below on how to use this for sniper mode.

GHOST: Fly around and go through walls (see WALK).

PLAYERSONLY: freezes the action of all bots in the game, enter it again to resume normal play.

WALK: Walk around normally (see FLY, GHOST).

ALLAMMO: Gives you all the ammo for your current weapons, up to 999 shots on anything.

GOD: Makes you invincible.

INVISIBLE 1: Makes you invisible. INVISIBLE 0: back to normal. BTW, if you shoot, the bots will figure out where you are!

SETNAME <newname>: Change your name (should work in network play too).

SETTEAM <newname>: Change your team (works in network play only when the rules allow).

TEAMSAY <message string> Broadcast a message only your teammates will see. Good idea to key bind this one.

TIMEDEMO 1: Gives you a great real-time meter reading of your framerate as you play. Can be very helpful in tweaking your system.

TIMEDEMO 0: Deactivates the timedemo and gives you a synopsis of the readings.

BEHINDVIEW 1 - View your player from behind, kind of a "Tomb Raider" perspective. This is fun if you want to see what the different taunts look like, kinda hard to actualy play this way though.

BEHINDVIEW 0 Restores normal view.

EXIT: Quits the game instantly, bind to a key for fast exit. WARNING: If you do this in the middle of a single player tourney, it may not save your position in the game.

Advanced Cheats:

(To use these faster, you need to go to Advanced Options, Advanced, Raw Key Bindings, and type in the cheat for the key that you want. For example, if I put summon nerfweapon.bap to the 'k' key, I could press 'k' and it would shoot a whomper ball)

Cheat Effect
summon nerfweapon.bap | Shoots a whomper ball.
summon nerfweapon.tripleshot | Spawns a TripleStrike
kick <PlayerName> | Kicks a player
summon nerfweapon.whomper | Spawns Whomper
summon nerfweapon.turbofir | Spawns Wildfire
summon nerfweapon.sidewind | Spawns Side Winder
summon nerfweapon.scatter | Spawns Scattershot
summon nerfweapon.pulsator | Spawns Pulsator
summon nerfweapon.mightymo | Spawns Nerf Cannon
summon nerfweapon.hyperst | Spawns Hyperstrike
summon nerfweapon.ballzoka | Spawns Ballzooka
summon nerfi.suitpowerplus | Spawns Suit Power Plus
summon nerfi.megaspeed | Spawns Mega Speed
summon nerfi.megajump | Spawns Mega Jump
summon nerfi.megapower | Spawns Mega Power
summon nerfi.electroshield | Spawns Electro Shield
summon nerfi.doubled Spawns | Double Damage
summon nerfweapon.whomammo | Spawns Whomper Ammo
summon nerfweapon.roxammopickup | Spawns Arrows
summon nerfweapon.tracker | Spawns Sidewinder ammo
summon nerfweapon.scatammopickup | Spawns Scattershot Ammo
summon nerfweapon.mmballpick | Spawns Mighty Mo Ammo
summon nerfweapon.dartammopickup | Spawns Wildfire Ammo
summon nerfweapon.ballammo | Spawns Ball Ammo
summon nerfweapon.ball | Shoots Ball
summon nerfweapon.goo | Shoots Goo Ball
summon nerfweapon.mmball | Shoots Mighty Mo Ball
summon nerfweapon.mmdetball | Shoots Detonating Mighty Mo Ball
summon nerfweapon.mmrox | Shoots Fast Mighty Mo Ball
summon nerfi.nerfdart | Shoots Wildfire Dart
summon nerfi.defaultdart | Shoots Secretshot2 Dart
summon nerfi.defaultpowerdart | Shoots Alternate SecretShot2 Dart
summon nerfweapon.rocket | Shoots TripleStrike Arrow
summon nerfweapon.tracerocket | Shoots Slow TripleStrike Arrow
summon nerfweapon.side_cd | Shoots SideWinder Disk
summon nerfweapon.spinball | Shoots Pulsator Balls
summon nerfi.winky_target | Spawns Target summon nerfkids.ted | Spawns a non-moving Character
summon warbot.WBted | Spawns live Bot for PointBlast
summon warbot.HBted | Spawns live Bot for Ball Blast
summon warbot.RBted | Spawns live Bot for SpeedBlast